Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 29-32

Citation information:
Kraus, N. (2014). Institutional aspects of clustering in innovative economy under the influence of systemic and comprehensive modernization. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 29-32.

Natalia Kraus
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
D.Sc. (Economics) Degree Seeker,
Academy of Financial Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
38-44 Dehtiarivska Str., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine

Institutional aspects of clustering in innovative economy under the influence of systemic and comprehensive modernization

Abstract. Introduction. The current economic policy of the country propagandizes development of Ukraine through the application of innovation. Today, the formation of economic structures aimed at increasing their competitiveness on the basis of cooperation, specialization and integration, development of partnerships. The process of economic clustering in Ukraine occurs mostly spontaneously under the influence of market forces.

Purpose. Summarize the characteristics and prospects of a comprehensive and systematic modernization of Ukraine’s economy, determine the structure of the basic model of clustering in the innovation economy under the influence of institutional architectonics and justify its appropriateness.

Results. Institutional transformation form a «critical mass» of public opinion to understand the need for large-scale modernization of the social system or its systemically important subsystems, namely innovative. Comprehensive and systematic nature of modernization provides a consistent solution to all the interconnected problems of socio-economic development.

The basis of the success of clusters is the synergistic effect of geographical proximity to each other and to consumers. Implementation of the effect of innovative development becomes for Ukraine the only possible way to reduce the technological and economic gap with developed countries. Cluster systems are formed on the basis of three principles depending on the structure, size and type of activity: concentration, the common interests of potential participants, interaction.

In the structure of the basic model of clustering in the innovative economy under the influence of institutional architectonics are public, community and social institutions that operate within the institutional guidelines. The general model of the relationship and interaction between members of the cluster of innovative infrastructure reveals the concept of the national innovative system.

Conclusions. The current stage of modernization involves primarily a large-scale renovation of production influenced the formation of advanced sixth technological order, the emergence of regulatory institutions of innovative sector and clustering of the economy.

Keywords: Modernization; Clustering; Innovative Economy; Institutional Structure

JEL Classification: O17; O33


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Received 19.03.2014