Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 37-40

Citation information:
Fedulova, L. (2014). Scientific-technological development of Ukraine’s health protection sphere in the context of integration challenges. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 37-40.

Liubov Fedulova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kyoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

Scientific-technological development of Ukraine’s health protection sphere in the context of integration challenges

Abstract. The article revealed and justified the nature of scientific and technological development of the health sector at the modern stage of development of the new technological structure. It is proved that the efficiency and quality of medical services directly depends on the level and effectiveness of high-tech medical science, introduction the modern methods of diagnostics and treatment into the medical practice.

The practice shows that in Europe the modern institutions which are relevant to the health system operate in the form of international high-tech clusters.

Based on the data of official statistics, the author has analyzed the state of development of scientific-task list activities of healthcare in Ukraine and also has identified trends. Author’s proposals dealt with the formation of state policy aimed to support of innovative development model of the health system in the conditions of European integration challenges.

The developing of strategic documents concerning the health system in Ukraine must be devoted to the task of the fragmentation of innovation infrastructure overcoming, in accordance with the global trends of the health scientific-technological sector activities. The tasks proposed for the development of medical science need to be structured on scientific medical platforms.

Keywords: Scientific-Technological Development; Sphere of Health Protection; Innovative Model.

JEL Classification: О32; Н51; І18


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Received 04.04.2014