Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 41-44

Citation information:
Markina, I., & Potapiuk, I. (2014). Theoretical and practical aspects of services development in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 41-44.

Iryna Markina
D.Sc. (Economics),
Vice-rector on Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and International Collaboration,
Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University
24 Pershotravneva Ave, Poltava, 36011, Ukraine

Iryna Potapiuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University
24 Pershotravneva Ave, Poltava, 36011, Ukraine

Theoretical and practical aspects of services development in Ukraine

Abstract. Becoming and development of market relations in Ukraine stipulate the necessity of improvement of control system by the service’s enterprises, orientation of the management system business on the market conditions of economy, ability to quickly and flexibly react to changes in the market environment. It is worth noting that service sphere mostly develops in the process of society evolution. In particular, there is a visible increase in the employment in this sphere, an increase in the technically equipped labor, and introduction of more perfect technologies. It is impossible to achieve development of the services marketing without providing informative, financial, transport, insurance and other types of services. As services are an inalienable constituent of trading in commodities, the sale of a commodity requires a more developed network that includes both services provided during sales, and after-sales services. The distinguishing features of services, predefined by their nature, determine the specificity of the services market. A service is a separate link of the state economy with the aim of various services types recreation.

At the same time, the services market is examined as a sphere of services provision which is the function of the unproductive enterprises including trade, transport, financing, insurance, culture, sport, medicine, various mediation and other spheres. The following features of the services market are distinguished on the basis of theoretical propositions: specificity of organizing services production; specificity of the services provision process which is predefined by the personal contact of a producer and a consumer; high dynamic of market processes; territorial segmentation; local character; high capital circulation speed; high sensitiveness to the changes in the buyers’ market; high degree of services differentiation; considerable branch and territorial differentiation; diversification; market services subjects mobility.

The authors analyze the most widespread definitions and classifications of «services». Here also presented the analysis of services imports and exports, as well as the volumes of services provided by the Ukrainian enterprises. Basic problem studied in the research is substantiation of national peculiarities and condition of services development in Ukraine, which is a methodological and practical basis for improvement of services market management of countries that move towards the European space.

Keywords: Services; Services Market; Sphere of Services; Export; Import

JEL Classіfіcatіon: M21


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    Retrieved from (in Ukr.)

Received 08.04.2014