Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 78-81
Citation information:
Illiashenko, N. (2014). Formation of theoretical principles of outstripping development at the country and enterprise level. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 78-81.
Nataliia Illiashenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Sumy State University
2 Rimsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40035, Ukraine
Formation of theoretical principles of outstripping development at the country and enterprise level
Abstract. Introduction. The European vector of domestic enterprises development Selected by Ukraine in addition to benefits of liberalization and open markets can still provide significant shortcomings that are mostly related to their own non competitiveness. Practice shows that as a means of reduction and/or elimination of risks an outstripping development is more productive to implement than the overtaking one.
The purpose of the paper is to improve the theoretical foundations of advanced development based on comparison to other types of development considering the specifics of the enterprises’ business.
Result. Based on logic synthesis and structure of existing research, the author proposes to amend the classification of types of development, giving such feature as «attitude of the leader». According to this criterion the development is divided into overtaking, the outstripping and the development on leader’s level. The author describes the characteristics for their comparison in order to understand the nature and content. A comparative analysis of these types of development was performed. The analysis showed that the term «outstripping development» in most cases is used in context of macro level. The author gives the definition of outstripping development at the level of the separate enterprise, establishes the basic characteristics and conceptual basis of implementation. The essence of the outstripping development of the enterprise was graphically showed. The outstripping development is presented mathematically. An index to determine the level of outstrip is offered.
Conclusion. All received allegations and suggestions improve the theory of enterprises development in the contemporary economic management. On the basis of the research, the author concluded that outstripping type of development will allow increasing effectiveness and reducing the risk of innovation, increasing the chances of market success of industrial innovators, reducing losses from inefficient usage of resources (2-3 times), significantly improving the domestic and foreign markets competitiveness, providing conditions for the transition to innovative research and technology development.
Keywords: Outstripping Development; Overtaking Development; Leader; Company
JEL Classіfіcatіon: D10; О10; О50
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Received 16.04.2014