Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 85-89
Citation information:
Doronina, M., Bilokonenko, H. (2014). Problems and prospects in diagnosing of industrial organisation socio-economic potential development. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 85-89.
Maya Doronina
D.Sc. (in Economics),
Head of Department,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9 Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Hanna Bilokonenko
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9 Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Problems and prospects in diagnosing of industrial organisation’s socio-economic potential development
Abstract. Introduction. System-specific dynamics of external and internal environment of industrial organization requires updating of ontological and epistemological basics of its development research. Considering insufficient research of contemporary problems in socio-economic potential (SEP) of industrial organization diagnosing, scientific-methodical support of their solving should be not addition to existing paradigm or its new version creation, but ideas for its further development.
Purpose of the paper is analysis and rationale of prerequisites for creating holistic paradigm of SEP.
Results. This paper develops elements of future research methodology. The main idea of paradigm is an organic compound of economic and social components occurring in SEP in which new nature occurs requiring creation of paradigmatic basis. Our preliminary results in research rationale prerequisites of future paradigm of SEP, performed in the following sequence: (1) Formulating of the basic idea of paradigm proposed by the authors through contradictions and hypotheses concretization. (2) Refinement of a form for the results combining of various scientific disciplines, which is necessary due to complex and hierarchic nature of SEP. (3) Reasoning for technology of qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Because of impossibility of using traditional tools, usage of new instruments for this task was ground, such as VRIO-analysis. (4) Findings of research of SEP have shown that all of structural elements are at different stages of the lifecycle of their own («basic elements», «points of development», «points of destruction») which can create problems of their coordination. System-synergetic approach and evolutionary-synergetic approach complemented by the co-evolutionary paradigm are primary methodological basis for identification opportunities of individual components of SEP compatibility ensuring with proper consideration of their life cycles; for management the structural elements of SEP, located at different stages of their life cycle development, and providing for each of them unique way of management response. Regardless of level of SEP functional complexity, its power and maturity, the main source for providing life-sustaining activity of SEP is to create and support spiral «capitalization of sociality– socialization of capital». (5) Terminological system represented in article is one of the most important components of future paradigm.
Conclusions. Science-based scheme of SEP diagnostics offered by the authors is open for now. Future research should focus on disclosing the essence of the concepts included in proposed terminological system, on creating particular technologies for SEP development diagnostics.
Keywords: Socio-Economic Potential Development; Paradigm; Hypothesis; Interdisciplinary; Terminology System
JEL Classification: L20; O10; B41
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Received 20.04.2014