Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 98-100

Citation information:
Kuznetsova, T. (2014). 3D-modelling in angstrom-management technology of air enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 98-100.

Tetiana Kuznetsova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Aviation University of Ukraine
1 Komarov Ave, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine

3D-modelling in angstrom-management technology of air enterprises

Abstract. In the aviation industry, the problem of managerial decision-making completely eliminating aircraft crashes and save human lives is particularly acute issue. Consequently, the author introduced new economic concepts and determined the role of 3D-modelling in angstrom-management technology of air enterprises from their point of view. Successful managers are trying to «program» as many as possible management decisions to improve management effectiveness. The author made 3D-modeling of decision-making in airspace issues, which can be regarded as a small-scale version of the simulation in Flexible Time Scale (FTS) using angstrom-management technology. The study defined means of mathematical modelling of managerial decision-making in air industry problems, consisting of software modules that are used to meet the needs of airspace designers. Modelling tools typically do not use curved segments. The exact description of the arrival and departure routes defined by curved segments could be determined using approximated linear model segments. The same method is proposed to use for describing standby areas. The conceptual model of information system by angstrom-management technology of air enterprises was developed and the formula of three-factor forecasting model of angstrom-management impact on air enterprises’ decision-making effectiveness was derived.

The conclusions indicated that angstrom-technological model is a convenient tool of air enterprise’s manager and powerful analytical tool in general. Through their usage one can not only store and integrate data, but also reflect the process of objects’ operation on 3D-models.

Keywords: Modelling; Technology; Enterprise; Angstrom-Management

JEL Classification: А11; C52; L86; L93; M12; R15


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Received 22.03.2014