Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 142, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 12-15

Citation information:
Komelina, O., & Fursova, N. (2014). Evaluation of social security: systemic and synergetic approach. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 12-15.

Olha Komelina
D.Sc. (Economics),
Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business,
Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University
24 Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Poltava, 36601, Ukraine

Natalia Fursova
Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University
24 Pershotravnevyi Avenue, Poltava, 36601, Ukraine

Evaluation of social security: systemic and synergetic approach

Abstract. Introduction. The effectiveness of the state economic security is assessed through the achievement of the certain level of the population social stability and welfare. This requires the evaluation of the social security level based at the complex system of internal and external relations. In order to analyze the current situation in the country and its regions, it is necessary to investigate dynamics of social processes in integrated manner. Purpose. The purpose of the article is social security state research through the interaction of economic, social and environmental development as secure environment of human formation development. This requires systemic and synergetic approach. Methods. Usage of the systemic and synergetic approach for social system security research promotes productive application of synergetic concept for solving urgent and particular tasks in this area. Results. The essence of «social security» concept using systemic and synergetic expediency assesses social security in its integrity and ability to determine security detection mechanisms of systemically important connection types. The basic components of social development are estimated, such as demographic situation, health preservation, education, population employment, population material security, the level and structure of consumption, housing conditions of the population, pension provision, social tensions and their impact on human development. The impact of economic and ecological development on social security at regional level is also analyzed. Conclusion. The authors present a comprehensive assessment of the social security based on systemic and synergetic approach. This approach allows government agencies to respond to real and potential country development threats. Effective public policies ensure an adequate living standard based at complex system of interaction performance – indicators.

Keywords: Social Security; Systemic and Synergetic Approach; Human Development; Socially Oriented Model; Threats

JEL Classіfіcatіon: B49; I19; I21; I30; J11; O18


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Received 13.05.2014