Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 142, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 24-27

Citation information:
Ilyash, O. (2014). The principles of state regulation in the sphere of socio-economic security of Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 24-27.

Olga Ilyash
D.Sc. (Economics),
Lviv Academy of Commerce;
Leading Researcher of Regional Branch of the
National Institute for Strategic Studies
10 M. Tugan-Baranovsky Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

The principles of state regulation in the sphere of socio-economic security of Ukraine

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to define theoretical basis for formation of socio-economic security and role of government regulation, developed structural component model of organization and methodology of the study of socio-economic security at the national and regional levels. The system of socio-economic security is defined as а triple system: the whole system of overarching elements; organization of social security in separated spheres; status and characteristics of measures to achieve optimal level of socio-economic system’s security.

Results. The dynamic model of socio-economic cooperation in the sphere of socio-economic security is determined, the socio-economic risks on the regional level are systematized, challenges and threats to the social security of the state by institutional dangers of government regulation in the area of socio-economic security are determined. The author analyzes the dangers of state policy in the field of population reproduction and labor potential usage. Risks of state regulation of the labor market and migration at the regional level are outlined, the set of indicators to measure the socio-economic security functional components and assess their impact on the system of state regulation are proposed. On this basis, the model of the impact of threats on the system of socio-economic security is formed and taxonomic analysis to identify internal features of state regulation in the field of socio-economic security is applied in order to conduct a multidimensional study of Ukraine’s regions socio-economic security regulation based at cluster approach.

Conclusions. Directions and means of state policy in the sphere of socio-economic security, and direction of the institutional regulation improving in this area are formulated. Developed regulatory system of state socio-economic security regulation outlines strategic priorities for the development and implementation of the Conception of social security of Ukraine. The imperative of Conception іs to reduce social tension in the country by ensuring efficient operation of government, economic and social institutions in social communities protection from external and internal threats.

Keywords: Socio-Economic Security Sphere; Government Regulation; Socio-Economic Security Insurance Mechanisms; the Conception of Social Security

JEL Classіfіcatіon: P29; P36; H75


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Received 01.06.2014