Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 142, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 40-43
Citation information:
Prokopenko, O., Kysly, V., & Shevchenko, H. (2014). Peculiarities of the natural resources economic estimation under the transformational conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 40-43.
Olha Prokopenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Sumy State University
University of Economics and Humanities, Bielsko-Biala, Poland
2 R.-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
Volodymyr Kysly
PhD (Economics),
Sumy State University
2 R.-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
Hanna Shevchenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Sumy State University
2 R.-Korsakov Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
Peculiarities of the natural resources economic estimation under the transformational conditions
Abstract. Introduction. The resource consumption policy has to be built on the balance of economic, social and defensive public interests. Particularly, taking into account ecological factor helps not only to optimize problems, connected with environment pollution, but to introduce firmer requirements to enterprises as consumers of the environment, which have social responsibility.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the nature resources economic estimation in conditions of social and economic transformations and man-caused impact on the environment.
Results. The article deals with methodological approach of the phased estimation concerning natural and ecological changes, and changes which appear in the social and economic spheres. The authors generalize practice of balanced approach usage to the investigation of the national economy’s development perspectives after overcoming of the mentioned changes. The correspondent social and economic balance is reviewed on the example of the natural recreational resources usage. Man-caused impact on the environment is suggested to evaluate by estimation of the effect and losses, expressed in cost form and determined by comparing of the natural and resource factors before and after economic impact.
Conclusion. The described approach to economic estimation of the possible interrelated economic, social and ecological transformations allows taking into account dynamics of the nature elements resource value as the part of national wealth. The authors suggest three stages of algorithm of the social and economic changes estimation and connected with them natural and ecological changes: social and ecological estimation on the basis of the relevant natural indicators changes at different levels of influence to the national economy; ecological-economic and social-economic estimation on the ground of changes concerning the value of natural and social resources exploitation; calculation of losses and/or effects in the different branches of the national economy.
Keywords: Natural Resources; Economic Estimation; Ecological Factor; Transformational Conditions; Balanced Development
JEL Classification: Р48; Q01; Q56
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Received 06.05.2014