Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 142, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 65-68
Citation information:
Vasylieva, T., Radchenko, O., & Kryvych, Y. (2014). Effect from bank’s marketing communication instruments usage estimation. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 65-68.
Tetiana Vasylieva
D.Sc. (Economics),
the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine
57 Petropavlivska Str., Sumy, 40030, Ukraine
Oleh Radchenko
PhD (Economics),
Head of the Regional Department,
Sumy Branch of the JSC «Sberbank»
32 Horkyi Str., Sumy, 40004, Ukraine
Yana Kryvych
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine
57 Petropavlivska Str., Sumy, 40030, Ukraine
Effect from bank’s marketing communication instruments usage estimation
Abstract. Management of a bank’s marketing communications efficiency should be aimed at decreasing of casual and unpredictable by bank’s management, spontaneous market responses to the usage of communication actions. That is why it is very urgent to fully include the time factor, seasonality, and also the synergy impact of other factors for the estimation of marketing communications instruments usage. Unlike the existing approaches, the authors propose to measure this effect by using not the growth of the bank’s assets volume and client base, but by the growth of provided services number, which should be determined as address applying of the bank’s marketing communications instruments and their direction. It allows including not only the response to implemented instruments of bank’s marketing communications from the potential customers, which firstly wished to use the services of the bank, but also the response from those customers, who repeatedly turned to bank to get new or similar service.
Developed author’s approach allows fully considering that:
1) the effect of the bank’s marketing communications usage shows up not immediately, but with some time lag, specifically at the end of the period when customers finish acquaintance with proposed service and make a decision whether to buy it;
2) the bank uses not one instrument of marketing communications, but a few instruments in different time periods, so the effects can collide that led to positive or negative synergy effect. To «clean» the estimated effect from the impact of other instruments of marketing communications implemented by the bank, the authors propose to decrease it on the value of so-called «transition effect» including the phase of its controlled impact duration;
3) demand for different banking services is not uniform throughout the year, and season fluctuations impact on marketing communications effect assessment. That is why in order to estimate objectively «clean» effect of the bank’s marketing communications instruments usage, estimated data should be adjusted according to seasonal tendencies.
Keywords: Bank Marketing; Marketing Communications; Customer Base; Management Efficiency; Cost Management
JEL Classification: C13; G21; M31
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Received 16.05.2014