Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 142, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 80-83

Citation information:
Lazareva, M. (2014). Innovative tools of a holding portfolio analysis: positioning matrix. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 80-83.

Maryna Lazareva
PhD (Economics),
D.Sc. (Economics) Degree Seeker,
Donetsk State National Technical University
58 Artiom Str., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine

Innovative tools of a holding portfolio analysis: positioning matrix

Abstract. In the modern holdings, different businesses are at different stages of the life cycle, at different types of markets, so it is necessary to consider the fact of updating, dying of businesses and to conduct the reasonable business portfolio restructuring. In other words, it is expedient for the cost of business to some extent to be protected for the owner. The purpose of this paper is to develop a matrix of portfolio analysis, which can be used to determine the degree of protection of the holding’s business portfolio from the perspective of competitive position of businesses in the portfolio.

The author suggested the principle of balanced portfolio that is based at golden section. The definition of the value security level from the standpoint of competitive position of businesses in the portfolio is given, namely: we assume the cost of business is secured from the competitive position if the business growth rate is equal to or higher than the market growth rate and market share remains at the same level or increased over the time. We propose an algorithm for determining the degree of business portfolio security in terms of its competitiveness. Matrix of positioning is suggested, that allows making decisions regarding the structure of portfolio from the perspective of secured value for the owner.

Keywords: Holding; Business Portfolio; Balanced Portfolio; Secured Value; Positioning Matrix

JEL Classification: D61; L22; M31


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Received 28.05.2014