Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 143, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 24-27

Citation information:
Nozdrenko, E., & Khokhlova, E. (2014). Adaptive advertising strategies in ecoproduct promotion. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 24-27.

Elena Nozdrenko
PhD (Philosophy Sciences),
Head of the Department of Advertising and Socio-Cultural Activities,
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

Ekaterina Khokhlova
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

Adaptive advertising strategies in ecoproduct promotion

Abstract. The subject of this study is a strategy of environmentally friendly products promotion. Purpose. To identify consumer attitudes to organic foods segment of the food market, and define methods for adaptive strategies of advertising implementation in the regional market of organic products. The hypothesis of the study is that adaptive strategies usage in marketing is necessary to change the current positioning of the brand in line with changing consumer perceptions about the product, taking into account systemic changes in consumption trends in the market of organic food. In this article, the methodology of social researches is applied.

Results, which we have obtained during the research, show that the interest of Russian consumers for environmentally friendly products is quite high. But, despite the high demand, there are two main problems associated with the promotion of organic food in the regional market. In particular, consumers have distrust to producers (they fear that under the guise ecobrand can be represented conventional product); pricing does not meet expectations (high cost compared to conventional gastronomic goods). One of the main identified problems is the lack of consumer awareness about organic products. Therefore, for its effective positioning and loyalty increase, it is necessary to use special promotion communication technologies. Adaptive strategies of advertising are the best solution to this business problem. This study has theoretical and practical importance, since it is related to the possibility of using the results to effectively address the challenges of adapting existing environmentally friendly products in emerging markets, as well as planning an advertising campaign to maintain the modified image of the product.

Results of the study pay attention to the need to understand the specifics of positioning in different markets and product categories. The proposed adaptive marketing tools are identified for specific market of organic food.

Conclusion. Adaptive advertising strategies are a new trend in the current marketing strategies and relate to penetrate new markets. Selecting adaptive marketing as the main direction of promoting eco-friendly food products in the regional market, you need to pick up a set of effective BTL-tools (tasting, product placement, special events, brand cooperation and recreational sports facilities, exhibitions and fairs) to solve the basic problem: to increase both confidence in the product and its market realization.

Keywords: Ecoproduct; Adaptive Marketing; Advertising; Promotion

JEL Classification: M31; M37


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Received 15.06.2014