Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 143, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 36-39
Citation information:
Demyanchuk, M., Orlova, O., & Kuznetsova, O. (2014). Effectiveness of the telecommunication services evaluating in the sectors of economy. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 36-39.
Maryna Demyanchuk
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Olha Orlova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Odessa Institute of Finance of the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade
Olha Kuznetsova
Post-Graduate Student,
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O. S. Popov
Effectiveness of the telecommunication services evaluating in the sectors of economy
Abstract. Determining issues of social and economic benefits, as well as efficiency, has been so far the subject of many researches. Determination effectiveness of the telecommunication services usage in different industries was conducted only in the end of the twentieth century. It is necessary to determine the effect of the modern telecommunication services application on development of the various sectors of the economy and to find opportunities to quantify the impact of these services. Advanced telecommunications services not only provide the interaction between different sectors of the economy and businesses, but also directly participate in production of goods and services of every kind. They serve as a source of many types of resource savings. The main effect obtained from the modern telecommunication services usage, manifested in the economy of labor time, is help to reduce labor costs and improve productivity. Time released can be used to solve economic and social problems of the enterprise or organization. Saving time equivalent notional saving state, which leads to the reduction of losses in production cost savings, ensuring effective business or organization functioning, minimization the cost of production (services). Mentioned above is a precondition to the growth of national income, it also contributes to sustainable development and quality of different spheres of the economy.
The authors, present a model of resulting indicators to assess the effectiveness of modern telecommunication services in various sectors of the economy. The main indicators are resulting time savings, savings of conditional state, and increase in national income.
Keywords: Telecommunication Services; Efficiency; Sectors of the Economy; Cyber Security
JEL Classification: G14; L96
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Received 21.05.2014