Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 143, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 56-59

Citation information:
Usherenko, S. (2014). Innovation-investment activity of Ukrainian enterprises: present state and priorities of actuation. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 56-59.

Svitlana Usherenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

Innovation-investment activity of Ukrainian enterprises: present state and priorities of actuation

Abstract. Introduction. An impact of Ukraine’s enterprises innovative and investment activity on their solvency renewal has been revealed and financial sources necessary for the implementation of innovative production have been defined. Purpose. To substantiate basic approaches to the process of innovative and investment activity intensification at the Ukraine’s enterprises under the adverse conditions of financial and economic situation. Results. We testify to the fact that the innovative and investment climate at the enterprises in Ukraine is not favorable and the consequences for such results are insufficient governmental activity in the sphere and scarce financial resources of the enterprises. Therefore, prior objectives necessary for intensification of investment and innovative activity in Ukraine are the state regulatory policy tools improvement and a principally new system of economic performance which is directly connected with the production of innovative products. Conclusion. Intensification of innovative and investment activity demands:

  • solution of the issue of financial support necessary for research and development in national high technological sectors at the expense of united sources: their own resources, governmental support, borrowings, foreign investments and reserves;
  • improved mechanism of state regulations for innovative and investment development achieved by simplified procedure of state registration of innovative projects and limited state control over innovative activity;
  • introduction the mechanisms of the state and private economic entities partnership in the sphere of innovative activity;
  • formation the system of institutions and mechanisms, able to facilitate the performance of foreign investors in Ukraine;
  • development innovative infrastructure for the provision of organizational, legal and financial support for innovative activity;
  • development innovative programs for modernization and strategic partners search for that purpose;
  • development the mechanisms necessary for management of the risks inherent in the sphere of innovative and investment activity, compensatory tools and reserves defining.

Keywords: Innovations; Innovative-Investment Activity; Innovative-Investment Policy; Innovative Product

JEL Classification: F21; F41; F63; G17; G30


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Received 26.05.2014