The quality measurement of management in local self-government in the Slovak Republic

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 144, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 38-41

Citation information:
Gecíková, I., Papcunová, V., & Belajová, A. (2014). The quality measurement of management in local self-government in the Slovak Republic. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 38-41.

Ivana Gecikova
PhD (Economics),
Teacher of Department of Public Administration,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration
16 Furdekova, Bratislava 5, 851 04, Slovak Republic

Viera Papcunova
PhD (Economics),
Associated Professor in Public Economics and Services,
Teacher of Department of Management and Information Technologies,
Constantine the Philosopher University
1 Tr. A. Hlinku, Nitra, 949 74, Slovak Republic

Anna Belajova
PhD (Economics),
Associated Professor in Sector and Transversal Economics,
Teacher of Department of Public Administration,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration
16 Furdekova, Bratislava 5, 851 04, Slovak Republic

The quality measurement of management in local self-government in the Slovak Republic

Abstract. Evaluation of quality management in local self-government can be done in several ways. One way is evaluating the implementation of the quality standards in municipal offices, but these standards are relatively rarely used in Slovakia. Another way is quality management evaluating through inhabitants and their opinion. Inhabitants are recipients of services that local self-government provides and offers, so their opinion and perception is also important. The contribution shows results of the evaluation of self-government management quality (the Council Members and a mayor) and employees of municipal offices. The achieved results showed, that inhabitants except from mayors and council members good communication skills, openness, willingness to listen to them. The municipality officers should be responsible, trained and willing to help solve the problems.

Keywords: Quality; Management; Local Self-Government Management; Mayor; Council; Employees Of Municipal Offices

JEL Classification: H7; H11; H83


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Received 07.07.2014