Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 144, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 49-52
Citation information:
Fayvishenko, D. (2014). Analytical forecasts as for the mineral water branch stabilization. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 49-52.
Diana Fayvishenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
Analytical forecasts as for the mineral water branch stabilization
Abstract. Consumer water resources are significant natural resources of Ukraine, and their efficient use makes it possible not only to satisfy primary needs of people but also raise the export potential of the nation, ensure its positive image. Nowadays, the mineral water market has dynamic characteristics and occupies a leading and advanced position within the food industry as its sub-structure.
Purpose. To analyse position and role of mineral water production within the industrial and economic system of food industry, as well as consumers’ demand formation in the market taking into consideration the experience of other countries; to research tools of the integrated weighed strategy of mineral water distribution forming.
Results. The mineral water market within the industrial and economic system of food industry is considered the most dynamic; it shows the growth of volumes in value equivalent due to the increase of population, change of consumer expenses models, becoming health a priority in comparison with other values for many people. The experience of reforms in Ukraine has proven the necessity to use a special social policy in respect of the mineral water market as far as the issues of their sources exploration, and regulation of market relations are of the nation’s interest. Identifying the modern line of market relations development directed at the processes of economic revival and consumption of commodities to satisfy buyers’ needs, the mineral water market provides diverse and large-scaled product range satisfying consumer demands.
Conclusion. The mineral water market has a great growth perspective conditioned by the increase of the mineral and drinking bottled water popularity among the consumers. Due to the prospective development of the market, high marketing activity of the players is to be observed, as well as the growth of industrial capacity of the market leaders, including the acquisition processes. New national and international brands are highly possible to emerge; new functional products (water with vitamins, with different flavours etc.) may be developed; and the premium segment has not been completed so far. Due to the expansion of integration space, it is important to make a tool industry development analysis, the proportion of water production in Ukrainian regions, and opportunities for export-import operations of the countries. The prospect of further investigations is concentrated on more detailed analysis of international experience, formation and development of the mineral water market, identification of the factors determining the growth of the industry and formation of managerial strategy.
Keywords: Analytical Forecasts; Industrial and Economic System; Mineral Water Industry; Food Industry
JEL Classification: О10; О16; О18
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Received 02.07.2014