Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 144, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 89-93

Citation information:
Dvořáková, L., & Macková, M. (2014). Fundraising and its realization in community services providing. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 89-93.

Lilia Dvorakova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of Finance and Accounting Department,
University of West Bohemia
8 Univerzitni Str., Pilsen, 306 14, Czech Republic

Marie Mackova
PhD Student,
University of West Bohemia,
8 Univerzitni Str., Pilsen, 306 14, Czech Republic

Fundraising and its realization in community services providing

Abstract. The target of this paper is to present the results of a qualitative research in fundraising with a specific focus on the non-profit sector in the Czech Republic. A complex analysis and comparison of non-profit organizations taxonomy was performed, further on, the definition, position, content and meaning of fundraising and its role in providing community services was identified. The primary output of the researched fundraising issue is the methodical process proposal of fundraising realization in the non-profit sector in the context of fundraising methods efficiency evaluation. Fundraising together with the public relations, marketing and lobbing influences internal and external relations quality at every organization and directly influences its brand, reputation and image. Fundraising demands strategic planning and thorough linking with the main activity of the organization, it should count with external influences changing and flexibly react to them.

Keyword: Fundraising; Community Services; Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organization (NGO); Taxonomy

JEL Classification: L31; L32


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Received 02.07.2014