Principles of economic security

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 145, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 8-10

Citation information:
Holikov, І. (2014). Principles of economic security. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 8-10.

Іvan Holikov
PhD (Technical Sciences),
Associate Professor,
The Mykolaiv Sukhomlynsky National University
24 Nicholas Str., Mykolaiv, 54030, Ukraine

Principles of economic security

Abstract. Introduction. Efficiency of an enterprise or industry functioning currently depends on economic security systems applying into their operation. There are a sufficient number of scientific studies which describe the components of economic security. However, the authors do not answer the question: «On what basis had they chosen the components of the economic security system?» Thus, generalization of scientists’ comprehension concerning the economic security system components is necessary. Proposed by the scientists requirements for the economic security systems development are related to the principles of the economic security systems forming. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to show the principles of economic security through systematization and generalization approaches that characterize the economic situation as safe. Results. The principles that provide economic security were systematized and can be taken as the basis for the economic security systems development. As a result, such principles of economic security have been singled out: economic security consists of elements; it takes into account internal and external threats; it develops on innovative principles; economic security information systems need information protection; stable operation is vital; the future threats prediction to the timely response should be implemented; adherence the legal and regulatory framework is expected; investigation of economic security by the system approach should be provided; anti-crisis policy with alarm indicators is to be applied; competitiveness is expected; ability to reproduce is essential; satisfaction of the social needs is a core. Conclusion. Described approach has allowed clarifying the conceptual basis for the economic security systems creation. Applying these principles in practice makes it possible to build up well-functioning economic security systems of the industry or the state. Moreover, these principles should be applied to all of the constituent elements.

Keywords: Economic Security; Principles of Economic Security; Constituents of Economic Security Complex; Economic Security Definitions

JEL Classification: B41; D21; H56; M21; P40


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Received 11.08.2014