Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 146, Issue 11-12, Pages: 28-31

Citation information:
Bokhan, A. (2014). Projection of environmental security in the process of business internationalization. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 28-31.

Alina Bokhan
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kyoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

Projection of environmental security in the process of business internationalization

Abstract. The author discusses the current trends of internationalization in the context of environmental security and dependence on resource development, manifestations of technogenesis and ecological expansion and environmental crime. Determinants of changes in international economic relations which affect formation of ethics and responsibility of the international business were identified. Improvement of the world market agents’ rationality should be aimed at forestalling the emergence of new environmental threats and risks to humanity. This process is accompanied by the increasing complexity of the business relations forms between the countries as a result of updating their strategies to achieve progress and competitive advantages in certain effects of globalization, information technology, scientific and technical progress.

Understanding of the global ecological security concept has been updated, regardless of each country’s economic well-being level, as they all are integrated into the global relationship of responsibility and interaction at different levels of internationalization and construction of the world system’s new configuration. Promising and effective diversification of the international business areas provides harmonization of economic and environmental interests of market agents, and the states a priority for social and environmental benefits of society. It is revealed that the criteria for responsibility and environmental security are conditional and changing under the influence of historical, cultural, ethnic, geographic, natural, information and political factors.

Socially oriented business, focused on achieving the goals of sustainable development, provides benefits to all market participants through the positive image maximizing in community. Internationalization of business should strive to strengthen the country’s position on the world market, taking into account responsibility to society for the formation of environmental security that will help to increase the capitalization of environmental benefits in space and time.

Keywords: Environmental Security; Internationalization of Business; Integrative Rationality; Business Ethics; Environmental Responsibility

JEL Classіfіcatіon: F01; F20; L20


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Received 27.10.2014