Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 146, Issue 11-12, Pages: 41-44
Citation information:
Svуda, I. (2014). The foundations for sustainable development of Ukraine in globalization conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 41-44.
Ivanna Svуda
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
Mukachevo State University
26 Uzhgorodska Str., 89600, Mukachevo, Ukraine
The foundations for sustainable development of Ukraine in globalization conditions
Abstract. Introduction. In 21 century, in many branches of world’s economy and sectors of social life the crisis phenomena continue to deepen. In such situation, the world society have a task of forming and fixating a new worldview, developing of general priorities, goals and ethical values.
Purpose of this article is to research modern tendencies of the globalization process in the world scale and determine the possible place of Ukraine in the system of globalism on the base of sustainability.
Results. During almost 25 years of independence, Ukraine stays in difficult socio-economic condition. The reason of this situation is ineffective administration of the country on the side of oligarchic clans system, which have usurped the power and put their own interests as the priority, instead of reforms in the country. Despite the global threats and actions of the countries’ governments towards their ceasing, Ukraine still has not developed competitive strategy and the reforms are being postponed.
Conclusion. If Ukraine became a country with the strong economy, then, in conditions of globalism, it would be able to provide fast and qualitative development. If the long term competitive strategy on the sustainability base was not created on the governmental scale, the political elite, able to realize this strategy, would not form. In this case, only bankruptcy, riots and dissidence awaits Ukraine.
Keywords: Sustainable Development; Globalization; Reform; Competitiveness; Strategy of State Development
JEL Classification: F01
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Received 12.10.2014