Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 146, Issue 11-12, Pages: 124-127
Citation information:
Iastremska, O. (2014). Definition of tourist companies attractiveness in international tourism. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 124-127.
Olesia Iastremska
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Tourism,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9 Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Definition of tourist companies attractiveness in international tourism
Abstract. Introduction. In the article, the concept of tourist companies attractiveness is considered as to their proximity for users; certain factors of internal and external environment, which predetermine attractiveness in relation to international tourism, are specified. Аattractiveness of tourist companies may be provided through such instruments as price orientation, safety, comfort, sophistication and reputation of tourism business implementation. Purpose. The purpose of the article is justification and development of a methodological approach to quantitative calculation of the companies’ tourist attractiveness in international tourism. Methods and Results. The Multidimensional factor analysis revealed the most influential indicators, which were used to quantitatively assess attractiveness of the travel companies by an example of Kharkiv region (Ukraine). The method of neural networks was applied to identify the most sensitive indicators and their usage in decision-making to ensure the growth of the tourist companies’ attractiveness in international tourism was suggested. Conclusion. According to the worked out methodical approach towards quantitative determination of tourist companies’ attractiveness in international tourism, it is well-proven that most influence on the companies’ tourist attractiveness in the field of international tourism make indices of price politics, presence of the programs of loyalty for permanent clients, innovative suggestions of international tours, development of tourist infrastructure for international trips and quality of services, granted by a foreign country. At their increase, the tourist companies’ attractiveness in the field of international tourism will get substantially better, as mentioned factors will provide economic development and bigger money inflows to the tourist services, increasing their quality.
Keywords: Tourist Companies; Attractiveness; Proximity; International Tourism; Neural Networks; Factor Analysis
JEL Classification: М16
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Received 28.10.2014