Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 147, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 7-10
Citation information:
Verbova, O. (2015). Economic personalism as a dominant feature of the national economic management in the second half of XIX – first half of XX century. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 7-10.
Oksana Verbova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Academy of Commerce
10 Tuhan-Baranovsky Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
Economic personalism as a dominant feature of the national economic management in the second half of XIX – first half of XX century
Abstract. Introduction. Philosophic & economic intentions of the national elite in the second half of XIX – first half of XX century we outline as Ukrainian economic personalism in the West-Ukrainian cooperation. Neither phenomena of economic personalism, nor its singling out as the dominant feature of the national economic management have never before been the object of the academic research. In historic and academic literature, as the phase of management development in Ukraine is provided by mistake the soviet practice of command and administration disposal. In reality, the proper national experience of managerism was formed within cooperative and privacy movement and the short-term period of the Ukrainian statehood in 1917-1921. It is especially valued for support of the modern national economic management foundations as the unique experience of the Ukrainian economic movement which is based on the existing national personalism.
Purpose of the article consists of determination the essence of economic personalism phenomenon, disclosure economic personalism as the dominant feature of the national economic management in the Western Ukraine of the second half of XIX – first half of XX century and significance clarification of it valuable experience for forming modern managerism and strategy of economic reforms in Ukraine.
Results. The important moment of the national management genesis research methodology is the philosophical concept of Ukrainian personalism that formed Ukrainian philosopher O. Kulchytskyi. Personalism for him was the high appraisement for a kind of integrity, called a person, and individual attitude to religious, ethical, esthetical, social, political and economic values. The original extrapolation of personalism on the economic field is the libertatism doctrine of Ludwig von Mises, which is based on principles of praxeology. The synthesis ideas of personalism and libertatism are permit for us to outline the new definition – economic personalism. The combining link of personalism and neoliberal doctrine of Mises are the dominant of individual economic freedom. We researched the genesis of the Ukrainian managerism at the example of Ivan Levynskyi and Klymentyna Avdykovych-Glynska activities employing the methodology and phenomenon of the economic personalism as the method of the national economic self-identification. Brightly phenomenon of the Ukrainian economic personalism at the turn of XIX-XX centuries is a figure of the utilitarian building doctrine author, founder of innovation management in architecture and building I. Levynskyi. His conception of innovative ideas in modern managerism and entrepreneurial rank have not lost their value nowadays and ground the national principles of sustainable development. A special place occupied the first Ukrainian manufacture of sweets «Fortune New» that broke upon at the interwar period owing to a unique woman K. Avdykovych at the dimensions of economic personalism. That phenomenon is stand the reflection that Ukrainian economic revival in the conditions of foreign state, acquired the features of women emancipation outstripping many European and North-American state nations.
Conclusions. It is the most important for modern economic self-identification in Ukraine to form modern Ukrainian managerism and strategy reforms and their realization on the, first of all, the European values that for the most are represented in the phenomenon of Ukrainian economic personalism. On the basis of this understanding, it becomes possible to form new economic mentality and, consequently, new institutions, which set the rules of game in the state.
Keywords: National Economic Movement; Economic Personalism; National Economic Self-Identification; Ukrainian Managerism; Innovation
JEL Classіfіcatіon: B41; N80; O17; O32
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Received 26.11.2014