Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 147, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 24-27

Citation information:
Kovalevsky, V., & Kirko, V. (2015). Strategic bases of regional university’s modern economic model. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 24-27.

Valery Kovalevsky
D.Sc. (Medical Science),
Acting Rector,
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev
89 Ada Lebedeva Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia

Vladimir Kirko
D.Sc. (Physical and Mathematical Sciences),
Vice-Rector for Development, Krasnoyarsk State
Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Ave, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

Strategic bases of regional university’s modern economic model

Abstract. Introduction. Economic models of modern regional universities are determined by changes in the global markets of educational services. Russian universities are experiencing crises of higher educational institutions, characteristic to post-Soviet educational space. Purpose of the study is to reveal underlying trends and modern possibilities of Russian regional universities’ competitiveness enhancement (on example of Krasnoyarsk Region). Results. In 2010-2014, in the course of grant research of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, 93 expert interviews were conducted with representatives of legislative and executive authorities, administration of regional universities, representatives of professorial and teaching staff, students, public organizations, including trade unions, and also recognized experts in the sphere of educational policy. The interpretation of the results is presented in this article. Most experts believe that the main strategic alternative for the universities in post-Soviet space is the following: 1) to acknowledge that raw material economy does not need a big amount of well-educated people and recognize the current crisis condition of post-Soviet universities as unavoidable and long-term; 2) profound inner transformation of universities, giving a head start to strategies aimed at overcoming degradation processes, connected with imitation of university activity, orientation towards cognitive society, including the local one. It is assumed that each regional university will implement one of the two strategies independently. In a short period of time, during 5-10 years, it will become clear, which of the two alternative strategies will dominate in a particular regional educational cluster. Conclusions. There is a need for radical changes to existing management strategies at Russian universities. Unacceptable internal strategy falsifies educational and scientific activities. Global transformations are forcing modern regional Russian universities to choose economic models that increase competitiveness in conditions of crisis and increased competition. Post-Soviet space of higher education in the near future will change radically.

Keywords: Economic Model; Regional University; Strategy; Management; Krasnoyarsk Region

JEL Classification: A29; H52; I20; I21; I28 


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Received 20.12.2014