Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 147, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 48-51
Citation information:
Kachanakova, A., & Urbancova, H. (2015). Practical application of selected theoretical knowledge in human resources management. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 48-51.
Anna Kachanakova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava
16 Furdekova Str., Bratislava 5, 85104, Slovak Republic
Hana Urbancova
PhD (Economics),
Czech University of Life Sciences
129 Kamycka Str., Praha 6-Suchdol, 16521, Czech Republic
Practical application of selected theoretical knowledge in human resources management
Abstract. The main objective of human resources management is to achieve success and competitive advantage on the grounds of an integrated set of cultural and personnel procedures. It presupposes a team of competent and trustworthy people who will perceive their activities in a team as their personal mission. It is required from them to act effectively in all issues related to their employees. A precondition of such a conceptual activity creating is the existence of adequate organisational documents like organisational strategy and individual functional strategies. It is at the same time assumed that human resources specialists are familiar with the content of works carried out in their organisations. Information on individual works and preconditions of their execution have to be collected on the grounds of complex work analysis, creating a basis for job diagnosis, and finally, for personnel decision-making. Creation of a labour potential which would be a guarantee of effective performance of the tasks resulting from company’s goals is impossible without an efficient management system. To build such a system of human resources management means to identify a present state, as well as to predict, search and solve possible problems.
Keywords: Human Resources Management; Organisation Mission; Organisation Strategy; Personnel Strategy; Analysis
JEL Classification: E24; J24; O15
Acknowledgement. The article is related to Grant Agencies of VSEMvs project, IGP 3/2013, The Key Functions of Personnel Management in the Context of Development of Organisations Operating in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague project – wide internal grant agency nr. 20141002 – Human resource branding using of the new strategic trends in organizations in the Czech Republic.
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Received 21.12.2014