Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 147, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 86-88

Citation information:
Kot, S., & Kucharski, M. (2015). Evaluation of sports event sponsoring results. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 86-88.

Sebastian Kot
PhD (Economics),
Czestochowa University of Technology
19B Armii Krajowej Str., Czestochowa town, 42-200, Poland

Michal Kucharski
PhD Student,
University of Economics in Katowice
72B Mikolowska Str., Katowice town, 40-065, Poland

Evaluation of sports events sponsoring results

Abstract. Enterprises engaged in sponsoring sports clubs expect to establish whether collaboration with a given club has been effective. In this connection, from the point of view of the sports clubs it is crucial to acknowledge the level of advertising value equivalency (AVE) reached by each sponsor, especially in case of television transmissions which generate the highest percent of AVE. Thus, there has been conducted a research which aimed at establishing whether there is a relationship between number and location of advertising materials and the level of AVE obtained during TV translations. Results achieved through the research prove that location of sponsors’ advertising materials during TV transmissions affects obtained level of AVE in higher degree than its number. Consequently, through successful handling of accessible advertising surface, persons managing volleyball clubs may influence levels of AVE achieved by their sponsors.

Keywords: Media Value; Advertising Value Equivalency; Sports Sponsorship Market; Volleyball

JEL Classification: M31


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Received 06.12.2014