Conceptual Approaches to Economic Security Strengthening in Ukraine

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 148, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 12-15

Citation information:
Martynenko, V. (2015). Conceptual Approaches to Economic Security Strengthening in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 12-15.

Valentyna Martynenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine
31 Karl Marx Str., Irpin town, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine

Conceptual Approaches to Economic Security Strengthening in Ukraine

Abstract. Introduction. Objective impact of globalization causes, through the prism of different conceptual approaches, the necessity to build a concept not only to provide but also to strengthen the economic security of national economy of Ukraine. Purpose. Developments of theoretical and conceptual approaches to security strengthening of Ukrainian economy under globalization influence. Results. Theoretical and conceptual approaches to the national economy’s security strengthening were substantiated. At the core of the concept the author proposes to put the existing concept of economic security of Ukraine of Heiets V. (1999). The author identifies six theoretical and conceptual approaches, which are systemic, predicting, strategic, historical, managerial and combined (integrated). A logically composed two-level action system was proposed, which involves implementation of successive stages on levels of the support (short-term) and strengthening (long-term) security of the national economy in conditions of globalization. The author developed conceptual cores to strengthen the economic security of Ukraine under influence of globalization, which can be represented as a two-level block of sequence. It is confirmed that the level of support includes the algorithm of the influence factors of globalization determination for the economic security of the national economy and economic-mathematical analysis of its condition, which allows in the short term to provide causation analysis. The level of support provides consistent implementation of measures to analyse qualitative parameters of globalization influence on national economy’s security, quantitative analysis of the national economy’s state economic security and statistical modelling of the globalization impact on the national economy’s economic security. Strengthening level reflects a block-scheme that contains the long-term prediction and the state strategy of the economic security strengthening realization. Conclusion. There are important blocks in the concept of economic security’s level strengthening: long-term predicting of the globalization impact on the national economy’s security, strategic analysis of the national economy’s security development prospects in conditions of globalization and state strategy of the Ukraine’s economic security strengthening realization in conditions of globalization.

Keywords: Concept; Conceptual Approach; Economic Security; Strengthening; Support; National Economy; Globalization

JEL Classіfіcatіon: E66; F01; H56


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Received 19.12.2014