Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 148, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 39-42

Citation information:
Kotkovskyi , V., & Guzenko, O. (2015). Banking Innovation in the System of Measures to Improve Corporate Culture: Methodological Aspects. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 39-42.

Volodymyr Kotkovskyi
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kryvyi Rih National University
11, XXII Party Congress Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine

Olena Guzenko
PhD (Economics)
Associate Professor,
Kryvyi Rih National University
11, XXII Party Congress Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine

Banking Innovation in the System of Measures to Improve Corporate Culture: Methodological Aspects

Abstract. Introduction. Banking innovations proved to be an important aspect of corporate culture improving. Only banking innovations answer the question whether it is feasible to make the corporate culture quality better. At the same time, there is the possibility to introduce an efficient and competitive program of human resource management of the bank. Ukrainian commercial banks require not only a comprehensive update of all areas of management, and need, above all, to change the existing approaches to the management of human resources who are able to adapt existing innovations. Purpose. To propose an innovative model for commercial banks in order to evaluate the participation of human resources in their activity. Methods. The research is based at dialectical and system approaches to the study budgetary system stabilization theory and practice, as well as methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis and scientific abstraction. Results. Author’s proposal justifies the possible adaptation of corporate culture based on innovations. Real dimension in the implementation of innovations in the corporate culture of the banking system has been achieved. The authors consider this possible under the conditions of leverage innovative development inclusion in the management cycle. Their content, according to the authors, is in the unity of the bank’s staff towards adaptation the strategic goals of innovation development; improvement of professional ethics on the basis of banking corporate standards and personal creativity; innovations in the system of the bank’s staff stimulation and promotion in conjunction with the performance. Conclusion. Achieving the strategic goals of the bank, such as a competitive position, may be acquired by continuous introduction of innovative projects in the field of corporate culture.

Keywords: Banking Innovation; Bank Staff; Corporate Culture; Bank Image; Administrative Decisions; Corporate Efficiency; Corporate Culture; Corporate Innovation; Innovative Lever

JEL Classіfіcatіon: G21


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Received 28.12.2014