Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 8-11

Citation information:
Kutsenko, V. (2015). Noosphere paradigm of economic development. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 8-11.

Volodymyr Kutsenko
PhD (Technical Sciences),
Assistant Professor,
Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar
72 Gagarin Ave, Dnipropetrovsk, 49050, Ukraine

Noosphere paradigm of economic development

Abstract. Introduction. Almost nobody has managed to achieve lasting peace and harmony in society, sustainable (life-giving) development. It is the result of the fact that a person neglects his true spiritual and moral values of life and becomes more and more mercenary. It has led humanity into moral decline, impoverishment of the lower stratum of society, and, at the same time, business entities, national economies and the global economy – into a state of permanent polysystemic crisis. Purpose. To justify a noosphere way of managing through spiritual enlightenment of the human mind. Results. Sustainable (life-giving) development is not ensured by economic growth, especially through a permanent attraction of credits. Despite the amount of borrowed funds, they do not affect the value and sustainability of the economic effect. Most often, the long-term loans stimulate the cyclic operation of the enterprise with the frequency of fluctuations in the level of profit in 3-6 years. In that way, the mercantile way of managing leads to obsession. Therefore, life inspires to introduce the noosphere economy which will be managed by the enlightened economic executives. Conclusion. Sustainable development is achieved by the introduction of the noosphere economy concept: the mission of the enterprise – «the public good»; management principles – «the spiritual and moral unity of the labor collective, self-sufficiency including self-financing, complacency and peaceful cooperation with the international community»; management practices – the «classic doxography, patristics»; the purposes of economic activity – «the prerogative of social effect, the consequence of which is the economic effect»; ways to achieve the goal – «the economic executive enlightened by the Spirit of Truth who is inspired from above to make correct economic decisions». The true way to enlighten the mind is spiritual rebirth of a person who has purged his soul from the greed for money, through faith, hope and love for the Creator and neighbors.

Keywords: Noosphere Economy; Sustainable Development; Mission of Enterprise

JEL Classification: А13; P47; O12; В11


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Received 27.02.2015