Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 24-27
Citation information:
Vasyltsiv, T., & Grynkevych, S. (2015). Environment for economic security of entrepreneurship formation in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 24-27.
Taras Vasyltsiv
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Institute of Strategic Research (Regional branch)
2a, B. Tershakovtsiv Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
Svitlana Grynkevych
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv Commercial Academy
10, T. Baranovsky Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
Environment for economic security of entrepreneurship formation in Ukraine
Abstract. Introduction. The main problem of providing economic security for entrepreneurship by the state policy is not formed economic safety for entrepreneurial activity environment, which is the direct factor of business deactivation, direct obstacle of demotivation for business, creation of new enterprises and providing employment, strengthening the role of small business in economy, realization of structural reforms and institutional changes, forming of the middle class.
Purpose. To justify the components of entrepreneurship economic security environment and to determine priorities and facilities of the state policy in this sphere.
Results. Economical safety environment for entrepreneurship consists of institutional legal and institutional organizational providing, transparent competition environment and presence of economic, organizational, psychological terms for sufficient protection of economic interests (rights, financial and immaterial resources and assets, financial and economical condition and results) of enterprise sector subjects during the processes of co-operating with the state, other subjects of economic activity, other elements of institutional environment.
Conclusion. Priority directions and tasks of forming the state policy for entrepreneurship economic security environment is improvement of entrepreneurship institutional basis, development and realization of entrepreneurship export potential, investment-innovative «climate» improvement, financial, scientifically technological, production, power and ecological security level of entrepreneurship sector strengthening.
Keywords: State Regulation; Business; Economic Security; Economical and Legal Environment
JEL Classification: E32; K22; K41; L14; L26
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Received 28.03.2015