Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 46-50

Citation information:
Khoma, I. (2015). Enterprise’s economic protectability diagnostics under the impact of unsettled business conflicts. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 46-50.

Iryna Khoma
D.Sc. (Economics),
Lviv Polytechnic National University
12 Bandera Str., Lviv-13, 79013, Ukraine

Enterprise’s economic protectability diagnostics  under the impact of unsettled business conflicts

Abstract. Introduction. The author deals with the problem of the need to construct an adjusted mechanism of enterprise’s economic protectability diagnostics considering the impact of unsettled business conflicts’ negative consequences which allows maximally precisely and at early stages diagnosing the fall in the current level of economic protection of the enterprise, eliminating troubles and promptly taking the necessary measures to improve its financial-economic condition.

Purpose. Formation of a scientific approach towards economic protectability on the basis of the author’s method of structural and functional diagnostics on the grounds of the proposed indices-indicators which fix the impact of threats from internal and external environments with additional consideration for negative consequences of unsettled business conflicts through the estimation of the profits loss risk magnitude.

Methods. The method of generalization and grouping, analytical method, structural and logical method, economic and mathematical methods and the method of probability theory were used.

Results. The performed researches allowed us to generalize the main causes of the most business conflicts emergence and to identify their main signs, which in case if the conflict situations are not settled, develop into their prolonged negative consequences and worsen integrated condition of economic protectability of the enterprise. The method of structural and functional diagnostics, which was supplemented with adjustment coefficient, calculated on the basis of the coefficient of variation and corresponding to the profits loss risk by economic entity, is more suitable for applied use concerning the adjustment of economic protectability diagnostics’ accuracy concerning the impact of unsettled business conflicts.

Conclusion. It was established that the constructed adjusted mechanism of diagnostics will contain an additional element of diagnostics – that is an estimation of the profits loss risk magnitude in entrepreneurial activity as a result of the negative consequences of unsettled conflicts, which makes adjustments to the method of structural and functional diagnostics that is based on selective indices-indicators and total value of the destabilizing factors fixation. If there are any signs of «shadow» activity, it worsens condition of the enterprise’s economic protectability. In particular, adjusted mechanism of diagnostics allows controlling further dynamics of economic protectability of an enterprise with maximum precision on the basis of quantitative economic and mathematical methods and the method of probability theory.

Keywords: Structural and Functional Diagnostics; Economic Protectability; Enterprise; Business Conflicts; Profits Loss Risk

JEL Classification: C51; C63; D74; D81; M21


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Received 30.01.2015