Corporate social responsibility paradigm formation in Ukraine

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 60-63

Citation information:
Kuzheliev, M. (2015). Corporate social responsibility paradigm formation in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 60-63.

Mykhailo Kuzheliev
D.Sc. (Economics),
National State Tax Service University of Ukraine
31 Universitetska Str., Irpin town, Kyiv Region, 08201, Ukraine

Corporate social responsibility paradigm formation in Ukraine

Abstract. The national model of the corporate social responsibility formation radically changes the role of the corporation in terms of the economic system and it is the basic element of existed corporate relations. This presupposes transformation of the corporations in complex institution that is based on the social grounds. There are historical and transformation aspects of the corporate social responsibility paradigm formation in Ukraine. Model of A. Carroll as well as global trends of the corporate social responsibility model has been investigated. The result of the research is development of a cubic model of the corporate social responsibility and the main approaches to the formation of the national model of CSR that will solve a number of problems in the triangle «state – society – corporation» and increase the level of the corporate culture in Ukraine.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Model of Corporate Social Responsibility; Stakeholders; Corporation

JEL Classіfіcatіon: G30; М14


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Received 20.02.2015