Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 72-75

Citation information:
Pompurova, K., Marakova, V., & Simockova, I. (2015). Consumer behaviour examination in case of a package tour purchase: example of Slovak citizens. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 72-75.

Kristina Pompurova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
University Matej Bel
10 Tajovskeho Str., Banska Bystrica, 975 90, Slovak Republic

Vanda Marakova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
University Matej Bel
10 Tajovskeho Str., Banska Bystrica, 975 90, Slovak Republic

Ivana Simockova
PhD Graduate (Economics),
University Matej Bel
10 Tajovskeho Str., Banska Bystrica, 975 90, Slovak Republic

Consumer behaviour examination in case of a package tour purchase: example of Slovak citizens

Abstract. Understanding of consumer behaviour is crucial for gaining a competitive advantage, keeping consumer’s attention and achieving bigger market share. The authors examine consumer behaviour when buying a package tour on the example of Slovakia’s population. Its objective is to identify observable processes that take place prior, during and after the purchase. Based on questionnaire survey, we evaluate how Slovak respondents gain information about package tours, we identify factors influencing a package tour selection and the mean and time advance of its booking, methods of payment, preferred services as a part of package tour and its evaluation in post-purchase phase. Research results outline options for tour operators’ adaptation activities of to current consumer behaviour.

Keywords: Consumer; Consumer Behaviour; Package Tour; Tour Operator

JEL Classification: D11; L83; M31

Acknowledgements. The research results are a part of the carrying-on of the project «VEGA 1/0810/13 Preconditions for concept application of the socially responsible behaviour in tourism in Slovak Republic» which is supported by the scientific grant agency of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.


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Received 27.01.2015