Conceptual foundations of cluster mechanisms development in wastes treatment: the regional aspect

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 101-104

Citation information:
Kryvenko, S. (2015). Conceptual foundations of cluster mechanisms development in wastes treatment: the regional aspect. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 101-104.

Serhii Kryvenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Head of Department of Economics,
Management and Business Security,
Poltava Institute of Business of International Scientific-Technical University named after Yurii Buhay
10/61, 39 Velikoturnivska Str., Poltava, 36028, Ukraine

Conceptual foundations of cluster mechanisms development in wastes treatment: the regional aspect

Abstract. Introduction. Modern calls which appear before Ukrainian economy predetermine the necessity of the new approaches to regional development management search. Cluster approach is foremost the new administrative technology, that allows to promote competitiveness of both separate region or industry and state on the whole. Nowadays, the use of cluster approach has already been ranked one of key places in strategies of highly developed countries’ socio-economic development. According to that, the cluster formation mechanism is an important direction of modern economic analysis.

Purpose. To analyze key concepts, problems and prospects of regional wastes management system forming in the context of cluster approach.

Results. The main features of regional, industrial and innovative clusters have been investigated in the paper. The principles of a wastes cluster formation at the regional level are formed. The classification of wastes clusters based on the composition of wastes disposal facilities and their appearance is proposed. By analogy with industry clusters, a three-level structure of a wastes cluster providing interaction and efficient usage of regional resources (secondary, administrative, economic, informational and innovative) has been considered. The determining role of resource-saving technologies in the cluster formation has been highlighted.

Conclusion. The problem of regional wastes management system’s formation solving in the context of clustering creates conditions for investment flows that facilitate the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies, jobs creation, and efficient usage of regional resources. This will result in a positive impetus to the social and economic impact and competitiveness of the region.

Keywords: Wastes; Cluster; Regional Management; Secondary Resources; Resource-Saving Technologies

JEL Classification: L10; R50; Q20; Q28; Q32


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Received 11.03.2015