Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 105-108

Citation information:
Fila, M., & Juranova, K. (2015). Human capital management: evaluation of selected unemployment aspects. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 105-108.

Milan Fila
PhD (Economics),
Department of European Policies,
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
2 Tr. A. Hlinku, Nitra, SK-949 76, Slovak Republic

Katarina Juranova
Management Support Officer,
Czechoslovak Commercial Bank
Nam. SNP, Bratislava, SK-815 63, Slovak Republic

Human capital management: evaluation of selected unemployment aspects

Abstract. Effective using of human resources is a base for successful development of economy both on enterprise and regional/national levels. Despite significant progress in economics, Slovakia still faces high unemployment which has not been significantly reduced either when Slovakia joined the EU. In this research paper we evaluate selected personal aspects of unemployment in Krupina district which is one of the most problematic regions and exceeds above-average values of unemployment rate. Proven causalities between unemployed people (registered jobseekers) have been identified simultaneously focusing attention on facts which should be taken into account when managing unemployed people. The results of the research show us that elderly people who have worked long term and subsequently lost their jobs hardly cope with unemployment. Relatively low percentage of the unemployed is interested in retraining, even in the case of certain job following. Willingness and interest of the unemployed to       create a job for themselves by starting business is also very low. Nevertheless, expenditures to support business start-ups of the unemployed increased markedly in the region examined in the recent years.

Keywords: Human Resources; Unemployment; Personal Aspects; Regional Development

JEL Classification: O15


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Received 2.03.2015