Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 149, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 113-116

Citation information:
Martynenko, M. (2015). Institutional changes in vocational education in conditions of European integration of Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 113-116.

Maryna Martynenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9a Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

Institutional changes in vocational education in conditions of European integration of Ukraine

Abstract. Introduction. Prospects of socio-economic reforms and formation of the knowledge economy in Ukraine is closely related with the success of Eurointegration process which calls for significant institutional changes. Vocational education is considered as one of the most important elements of the institution of education which provides reproduction of skilled labour force for different sectors of economy. Purpose of the article lays in substantiation of institutional changes directions in vocational education in the context of European integration of Ukraine.

Results. Organizations impact on directions of institutional changes in vocational education by stimulating the formation of clear idea among employers about the most urgent professional competencies of employees and their possible modifications as to the changes of external and internal environment of businesses. The formation of the organizational knowledge systems by businesses is one of the ways to activate institutional changes in the sphere of vocational training of employees by traditional functions of vocational education transformation. Such transformation will provide the conditions for implementation the concept of lifelong learning in Ukraine. Conclusion. Institutional changes in vocational education in Ukraine through organizational knowledge systems formation create preconditions for future realization of European countries’ social-economic development priorities, such as smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Keywords: Vocational Education; Institutional Changes; European Integration; Organizational Knowledge System

JEL Classification: O15; D83


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Received 11.03.2015