Theoretic-methodological determinants of the public goods reproduction mechanism

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 150, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 8-11

Citation information:
Kichurchak, M. (2015). Theoretic-methodological determinants of the public goods reproduction mechanism. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 8-11.

Marianna Kichurchak
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Theoretic-methodological determinants of the public goods reproduction mechanism

Abstract. The purpose of research is to determine the theoretic-methodological peculiarities of the public goods reproduction mechanism functioning and the patterns of its forming in the transformational Ukrainian economy. The main approaches to the interpretation of the public goods reproduction mechanism character were analysed; the understanding of its essence was improved, and the most important constituents of this mechanism were at the conceptual level were identified. It was grounded that the public goods reproduction mechanism is appropriate to determine as related to the economic, financial, budgetary and fiscal mechanisms; objectively provided and multilevel by its aims; connected with synergism and inclusive to the social-economic policy complex. The peculiarities of this mechanism formation in Ukraine have been found, namely: the institutional adjustment of the public goods production taking into account forming of the market economic system; the interactions and relationships reorganizing of the public goods reproduction mechanism with proper components in the economic system caused by the fiscal operation reformatting; the principles to determine the marginal capacity in the public goods consumption review, the indicators of which are the distribution and redistribution of GDP proportions; the multi-channel system formation to finance the public goods production.

Keywords: Public Goods; Reproduction; Mechanism; Market Economic System

JEL Classification: B41; H41; P10


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Received 26.03.2015