Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 150, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 17-20
Citation information:
Nikityuk, T., & Baula, О. (2015). Innovative-investment development of Ukraine: modern realities and necessary changes. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 17-20.
Tetiana Nikityuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska Str., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine
Olena Baula
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska Str., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine
Innovative-investment development of Ukraine: modern realities and necessary changes
Abstract. The economy of Ukraine is in the situation of bifurcation that causes the necessity of detailed analysis of situation at development of innovative-investment model and development of conception of reform. Progressive development of economy on the whole, and on innovative principles, requires considerable capital investments or investments. For Ukraine the increase of volumes of private investments is useful, as on hands a population has a handsome sum of cash’s. The Ukrainian citizens do not hurry to convert the accumulated money in an investment. Research showed that the financial means of population did not carry an investment, rather «for a rainy day», and also an internal investment climate is characterized by many negative tendencies. Insufficiency of national investment resources stimulates the increase of the foreign investing. The considerable volume of investments in our country came from offshore zones, which in the conditions of transparent innovative-investment model is not successful and requires immediate reforms.
Authors offer the system of realization of reforms on the basis of extrapolation of «pyramid of necessity» А. of Maslow. The «pyramid of reforms» must include the stage-by-stage complex of realization of five events from a bottom to the mountain, namely: striven against a corruption on all levels, tax reform, financial reform, government program of support of small and midsize businesses, innovative-investment development of economy.
Conducting such model of reforms is possible by means of certain type of innovative model. It offers to use the modified synthetic model of innovations that includes the parallel and successive input of three events, ideas of reforms, favorable public opinion and their realization.
Keywords: Innovative-Іnvestment Мodel; Investment Climate; Innovations; Investments; Economic Reforms
JEL Classification: B40; O10; O31; E62
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Received 25.02.2015