Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 150, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 51-54
Citation information:
Grosul, V., & Zhyliakova, O. (2015). External environment turbulence assessment in the enterprise’s anticrisis management system. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 51-54.
Victoria Grosul
D.Sc. (Economics),
State University of Food Technology and Trade
333 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine
Olena Zhyliakova
Senior Leсturer,
State University of Food Technology and Trade
333 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine
External environment turbulence assessment in the enterprise’s anticrisis management system
Abstract. Introduction. In current context of global development and a variety of strategic «surprises», the enterprises increasingly face the necessity of forming an effective anti-crisis strategy. Domestic enterprises are often negatively affected by the challenges of the external environment, caused by its turbulence. Purpose. To explore the essence of the word «turbulence» as the key descriptor of external environment as well as to develop a methodological approach for identifying the ranked turbulence in external environment. Methods. In the article, we used such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction and structuring. Results and Conclusion. The studies have shown that turbulence is a key descriptor that characterizes modern external environment of the enterprise. In general, the word «turbulence» refers to invariance and a combination of enterprise’s business environment factors, which aggressiveness, unpredictability and uncertainty determine its actual rank. А methodological tool is recommended for identifying the actual ranked turbulence in the external environment. The results of this assessment provide a broad information platform to determine a strategic vector of anti-crisis measures. Their implementation will allow the enterprise to develop a strong resistance and to oppose the chaotic amplitude of turbulent waves in the external environment. Determining a true vector of strategic changes, in this aspect, becomes the basis for the development and implementation of an effective mechanism for enterprise crisis management nowadays.
Keywords: Enterprise; External environment; Uncertainty; Turbulence; Descriptors; Ranked Turbulence; Anti-Crisis Strategy
JEL Classification: B41; С13; L20; M20
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Received 21.03.2015