Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 150, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 55-58
Citation information:
Suvorova, I., & Nepop, A. (2015). Conceptual approaches to marketing activity organizing at the air transport enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 55-58.
Iryna Suvorova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Aviation University
1 Komarova Ave, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Artem Nepop
PhD Student (Economics),
National Aviation University
1 Komarova Ave, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Conceptual approaches to marketing activity organizing at the air transport enterprises
Abstract. The authors deal with the role, tasks and functions of marketing activities for air transport companies. The airlines are considered to be highly specialized, because of their task orientation and fairly narrow range of products’ suppliers. However, despite the fact that air transport companies offer specific services, yet a large number of approaches are used in the market of aviation services. The system of their marketing activities management is aimed at adapting to the rapidly growing unstable environment and includes principles of market innovation and planning. It is established that the main focus of marketing activity of air transport enterprises is focus on the marketing product line to the airlines, which is a group of basic and additional services, staff, elements of the environment, the benefits and advantages that are closely interrelated and meet the needs of a target market segment used together and in the same price range. Understanding the nature of the airline product line is proposed. According to the authors, it is organizational structure of marketing, which allows simplifying and optimizing the structure of a classic commercial unit and closely monitoring all marketing activities.
Keywords: Air Transport Enterprise; Marketing Activities; Aviation Market; Organizational Structure; Product Line
JEL Classification: М21; М31
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Received 29.03.2015