Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 8-10

Citation information:
Yadranskyi, D. (2015). The categories of «labour» and «labour process» in information economics. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 8-10.

Dmitrii Yadranskyi
D.Sc. (Economics),
D.Sc. (Sociology),
Associate Professor

The categories of «labour» and «labour process» in information economics

Abstract. Features of information product as of a product created practically without involvement of the usual means of production are considered in the article. On this basis it is noted that labour turns from a production factor into independent production.

The modern labour process as a process consists of several elements: reproduction of information, its increment, generation, broadcasting, redistribution and control of information streams. The economic essence of the specified elements is characterized. The author’s structural and graphic model of information labour process is offered.

The causes of the crisis of analytical calculation methods (models) in the commodity economy under modern conditions are described. Attention is drawn to the increasing role of social information labour in view of the accruing domination of information product which exists in the form of the good things having character of individual value without getting a material form.

From a position of the distributive relations, basic changes are stated regarding the nature of distribution of added value. It is noted that attempts of fixing of the existing relations lead to violation of the basic structure of the capital and accelerate crisis processes in macroeconomic systems in a need consequence for expanded reproduction all of less considerable level of investments.

Author’s vision of information work is a modern form of productive (labour, social) activity. Such work is understood as a work or activity which materializes in certain social practices and exists in information space. The price of such work, being formed in the course of social interaction, is essentially flexible. Such flexibility is caused by fluctuations of the price which do not submit to classical economic laws, and are in the plane of social actions and requirements. It is offered to consider information labour process as a socially oriented activity for the purpose of achievement of own (personal) interests relevant to social relations.

The model of information relations, which consists of a number of elements presented by different information streams (types of information), is offered. Indicators for definition of quantitative (economical and analytical) results of the information relations in the course of work are offered.

Keywords: Labour Process; Work; Information; Information Process; Value; Distribution; Result

JEL Classification: E29; J21; L86


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Received 15.04.2015