Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 20-23

Citation information:
Gburova, J., Matusikova, D., & Benkova, E. (2015). Perception of tourist destination brand. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 20-23.

Jaroslava Gburova
PhD (Economics),
University of Presov
16 Konstaninova Str., Presov, 08001, Slovak Republic

Daniela Matusikova
PhD (Economics),
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 08001, Slovak Republic

Eva Benkova
PhD (English Language),
University of Presov
16 Konstantinova Str., Presov, 08001, Slovak Republic

Perception of tourist destination brand

Abstract. Since tourism has changed from individual or small-group to mass tourism, the conditions in it have changed too. Thanks to the interest of tourism participants, many destinations have become dominant over the others and due to some new trends there are also many other destinations that attract attention. To be able to compete with the dominant destinations, it is inevitable for the other destinations to build their own name by providing high quality services as well as by a recognizable brand. The article deals with brand perception in tourism on the example of the Slovak Republic. The survey perception has been conducted on the basis of the domestic population in 2015, and by means of the semantic differential method we have evaluated the perception of the brand which represents the country and should support its tourism.

Keywords: Tourism; Brand; Destination Brand; Brand Perception; Marketing Tools

JEL Classification: M30; M31

Acknowledgement: The paper was created as one of the outputs of the ongoing scientific research grant 1/0145/14 – VEGA «On-line reputation management (ORM) as a tool of Slovak SMEs’ competitiveness increasing and its use in the conditions of the Central European virtual market».


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Received 26.05.2015