Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 37-40
Citation information:
Ziyadin, S., & Yessenova. G. (2015). Prerequisites for development and diversification of production in industry. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 37-40.
Sayabek Ziyadin
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kazakh Humanitarian Juridical Innovative University
42 Kabanbay Batyra Str., ap.42, Semey city, 071400, Republic of Kazakhstan
Yessenova Gulmira
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Finance,
JSC «Financial Academy»,
The Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Kazahstan
11 Sh. Ualikhanov Str., 010011, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Prerequisites for development and diversification of production in industry
Abstract. This article describes the process of diversification as a matter of aggregate socio-economic and administrative relations that arise between the subjects of a region, including industrial enterprises on the one hand and regional consumers on the other as well as the participation of authorities and entities of the institutional environment. Diversification through the acquisition and construction of assets in a country is supplemented by diversification through the acquisition of assets abroad. The diversification of industrial activities in a region as a matter of administrative relations that structure the interaction between these relationships is a form of the implementation of corporate strategies and promotes the benefits of diversification. The main obstacle to the direction of diversification is limited financial, information and manufacturing capabilities as well as limited experience.
Keywords: Diversification; Innovation; Industry; Export; Production; Region; Enterprise; Strategy
JEL Classification: D24; F02; F41
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Received 07.04.2015