Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 53-56

Citation information:
Vdovenko, N. (2015). Mechanisms of regulatory policy application in agriculture. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 53-56.

Nataliia Vdovenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of Global Economy Department,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Mechanisms of regulatory policy application in agriculture

Abstract. Introduction. In modern conditions, forms, methods, and means of regulatory policy for agriculture development should be implemented according to the existing international approaches. State regulatory policies in different branches of agriculture should be aimed at developmental constraints elimination.

Purpose. To ground actual approaches to regulatory policy in prospective agrarian sector branches connected with the foodstuff and work out practical recommendations on application of regulatory policy mechanisms in the aquaculture sector.

Results and Conclusion. The prominent feature of aquaculture is a specific nature of the object of manufacture – the fish which is grown in conditions, supervised by the humans. To fully use this advantage and provide regulatory support for this type of economic activity development, the following preconditions should be preserved: water objects fish capacity increase from 3.0 centner/hectare to 15.0 centner/hectare; certification of the leased fish farming technological reservoirs. We see the expediency to optimize not only the account of aquaculture zones, but also of soils, where reservoirs are located, with use of correction coefficient depending on the levels of soil fertility. Feeding ponds have to be divided into categories (channel, waste, by area). It is necessary to provide indicators of fish capacity both for commodity fish and for a stocking material. The central regulatory authority provides complex regulatory policy in the sphere of fisheries and is given the right to provide the state account, monitoring, the state cadastre of water bio-resources managing, and the state account and the register of fish farming water bodies (or their parts). Nowadays, its main priority should be development and further implementation of an order the state register of the fish farming water objects (or their parts) conducting.

Keywords: Agriculture; Aquaculture; Regulatory Policy; Passportization; Soil Fertility Coefficient

JEL Classification: A13; В21; D23; D20


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Received 07.04.2015