System approaches to economic diagnostics of the tourism enterprises

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 64-67

Citation information:
Mazaraki, A., & Sagalakova, N.
(2015). System approaches to economic diagnostics of the tourism enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 64-67.

Anatoliy Mazaraki
D.Sc. (Economics),
Professor, Rector,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kyoto Str., Кyiv, 02156, Ukraine

Nataliia Sagalakova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Doctoral Degree Seeker,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kyoto Str., Кyiv, 02156, Ukraine

System approaches to economic diagnostics of the tourism enterprises

Abstract. In recent times, there is an urgent problem with calculation, analysis and diagnostics of alternative variants of decisions both in the economic sphere and practical activities of enterprises related to domestic tourist field. With that purpose most of experienced managers of tourist companies successfully use methods of economic diagnostics in their everyday work but they do it unconsciously. For efficient and substantiated estimation of management decisions and choosing the most rational one, it is necessary to use a system approach to conduct economic diagnostics in the tourist sphere.

In this research, with the help of the system approach, we have developed a structurally logical model of economic diagnostics performing on the basis of constructive determination of input, output and processor unity, destined for diagnostic function realization. There are several demands which will enable us to determine the main vector of forming the system of economic diagnostics activity of tourism enterprise and to form its main concepts.

The article proves that economic diagnostics of tourism enterprise activity is a complex process of detection, analysis, eliminating and forecasting the problems in the tourism enterprise sphere. Keeping in mind peculiarities of the diagnostic activity of tourist industry subjects, it is urgent to develop an economic diagnostics concept through the system approach which is a precondition of tourism enterprise stable development.

Keywords: Economic Diagnostics; System Approach; Tourist Field; Tourism Enterprise; Management Decision

JEL Classification: L20; M21; M41; O10


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Received 16.05.2015