Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 68-73

Citation information:
Popovic, Z., & Rondovic, B. (2015). Online presence quality assessment in tourism companies of developing countries (Montenegro case study). Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 68-73.

Zorana Popovic
PhD Student (Economics),
University of Montenegro
37 Jovana Tomasevica Str., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

Biljana Rondovic
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
University of Montenegro
37 Jovana Tomasevica Str., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

Online presence quality assessment in tourism companies of developing countries (Montenegro case study)

Abstract. Diffusion of information and communications technologies (ICT), especially the Internet, introduces crucial changes and enables the growth of all economic sectors as well as tourism industry. The main motivation for this work is to point out some of the insufficiently used opportunities that information society places in front of the countries with significant contribution of tourism to economic well-being. In Montenegro, tourism is an important determinant of overall economic growth and the most promising industry branch. Since Montenegro declares itself as the country pursuing the progress of information society, currently there is a need for a better understanding of the e-tourism concept and implementation of ICT in the field of tourism services, its potentials and factors that hinder its faster development.

The particular aim of this research is to quantify online presence of the Montenegrin tourism companies and notice critical factors of entering into electronic environment. In that purpose, we have used the Web Assessment Index (WAI), and the Facebook Assessment Index (FAI) as a tool for efficiency assessment of web and social networks of Montenegrin companies in the field of tourism. The results obtained from the analysis have been compared with the perceptions of the Internet users in order to perceive interdependence between the method of presentation of companies and attitudes of their users.

Keywords: Information Society; Developing Country; E-Tourism; Web Assessment Index; Facebook Assessment Index; E-Marketing; Online Presence

JEL Classification: O00; L83; M15; M30


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Received 11.04.2015