Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 74-76

Citation information:
Semenova, V. (2015). Evaluation criteria for enterprise’s intellectual property management effectiveness. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 74-76.

Valentyna Semenova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Odessa National Economics University
8 Preobrazhenska Str., Оdessa, 65082, Ukraine

Evaluation criteria for enterprise’s intellectual property management effectiveness

Abstract. Introduction. Formation of intellectual property (IP) and its effective use is an important way to increase competitiveness of the enterprise. The issues of the effectiveness of enterprise intellectual property management evaluation are gaining importance in the contemporary economy. However, enterprises have no clear criteria and methodological guidance for evaluating the effectiveness of intellectual property management. Purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the domestic enterprises’ intellectual property formation and to determine the main criteria for evaluating intellectual property management of the company. Results. The article defines basic trends in the development of innovative property of enterprises in Ukraine for the 2010-2014 period. In 2014, low activity of Ukrainian companies in the creation of intellectual property was observed and negative trends in reduction the number of applications for industrial property was observed with a total of 4%, decrease in applications for utility models – 12,1% and inventions – 9.4%. In 2014, compared to the rate of 2010 (58%) the number of applications increased significantly only for industrial designs. In recent years the ratio between domestic and foreign applicants remained virtually unchanged (in 2014, the share of applications from foreign enterprises was 49% of the total number of applications). The basic criteria for effective IP management which include profit, profitability, productivity, innovativeness, production technology quality improvement, product quality improvement, patentability, creation of sustainable competitive advantages and increase of the market value of the company are grounded. The analysis of effectiveness of intellectual property management in accordance with the selected criteria was done on the example of PJSC «Odeskabel». The analysis shows that the management of intellectual property of PJSC «Odeskabel» meets almost all the criteria of effectiveness and demonstrates the innovative activity of the studied enterprise in recent years. Conclusion. Evaluating the effectiveness of intellectual property management is an important part of the company’s intellectual property formation. Evaluation criteria elaborated in this area will comprehensively investigate the effectiveness of companies’ intellectual property management.

Keywords: Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Management; Evaluation Criteria; Management Effectiveness

JEL Classification: C130; D290; D810


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Received 29.04.2015