Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 86-89
Citation information:
Varenyk, V., & Samura, Yu. (2015). Threats to the economic security of the banking activity and the means of its protection. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 86-89.
Victor Varenyk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv Academy of Commerce
7а Ch. Kalyny Ave., Lviv, 79034, Ukraine
Yuriy Samura
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv Academy of Commerce
10 Tugan-Baranovsky Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
Threats to the economic security of the banking activity and the means of its protection
Abstract. This article explores the theoretical and methodological approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to determine the nature of the economic security of banking, which is divided into several distinct groups. A negative impact on the economic security of the bank which by sources of origin can be objective and subjective is characterized. We have concluded that objective negative impacts occur independently of a particular bank or its individual employees, whereas subjective impacts may be due to poor performance of the bank as a whole or its individual employees (especially managers and functional managers).
In this article we have classified threats to economic security of the banking activity on the following grounds: place of origin, nature of occurrence, likelihood of occurrence relevant to consequences for the attacked, probability of their occurrence according to the purpose and use.
The study highlighted the bank protection from external and internal threats, which are divided into personnel-related, organizational, technical and intellectual ones. All these measures, both special and general, cannot be considered disposable and conducted only during the emergence of the crisis or the state of danger. At the same time, a study of their complexity and regularity greatly reduces the likelihood of any threats to the bank.
Keywords: Banking Security; Economic Security of the Bank; Internal Threats; External Threats; Banking Security Measures
JEL Classification: G21; E58
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Received 17.05.2015