Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 8-11
Citation information:
Malinovska, O. (2015). Historical aspects of credit unions formation in the world and in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 8-11.
Olha Malinovska
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv State Academy of Finance
3 Kopernik Str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine
Historical aspects of credit unions formation in the world and in Ukraine
Abstract. The historical process of formation of credit unions is quite protracted. It includes phases of prosperity and decline. There are no main stages of the evolution of credit unions. This historical analysis will correctly identify the social significance and purpose of credit unions in the world.
The purpose of article is to analyze the historical notes of formation of credit unions as financial institutions and to separate the main stages of the origin and precausions for the emergence of credit movement in Ukraine and all over the world.
The basic backgrounds of credit unions are highlighted in the article. The essence of the concept of «credit cooperation» as a historical basis for the establishment of credit unions is considered. The basic historical aspects of the cooperative movement are defined. A six-step division of emergence of credit unions is offered. The most significant dates in the history of independent Ukraine related to credit unions are analyzed. The main prospects for development of a modern system of credit unions in Ukraine are described.
Since Ukraine gained its independence, the credit unions have begun a new phase of modernization, which has not stopped its development until the present day. this is illustrated by constantly changing statistical data related to credit unions.
Keywords: Savings Association; Cooperative Movement; Credit Union; Credit; Financial Market
JEL Classification: G21
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Received 22.05.2015