Strategic priorities of Ukraine’s social security concept development and implementation

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 20-23

Citation information:
Ilyash, O. (2015). Strategic priorities of Ukraine’s social security concept development and implementation. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 20-23.

Olga Ilyash
D.Sc. (Economics),
Lviv Academy of Commerce
Leading Researcher,
Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies
10 Tugan-Baranovsky Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

Strategic priorities of Ukraine’s social security concept development and implementation

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to justify the necessity of the development and implementation of the Concept of Ukraine’s social security. Results. The scheme of interconnection between the main and strategic purposes of guaranteeing socioeconomic security of Ukraine is presented. The author has proposed an implementation scheme of mid-term strategic objectives of the Concept of Social Security of Ukraine. The regulatory system of state socio-economic security outlines strategic priorities for the development and implementation of the Concept of Social Security of Ukraine. The imperative of the Concept is to reduce social tension in the country by ensuring efficiency in government operations relevant to economic and social institutions and protection of social communities from external and internal threats. The mechanism of the development of the Concept of Social Security of Ukraine provides for the implementation of national security strategic objectives and shall be implemented according to the following scheme: through determination of the provisions of the Concept of Social Security of Ukraine; determination of the problem areas of the Concept implementation mechanism; monitoring the Concept provisions performance and assessment of their impact on the state of social security in Ukraine. The resource base of the Concept implementation will be boosted by institutional regulation, resource and legal support and, a thoroughly developed managerial mechanism. Conclusions. The implementation of the Concept provisions will give us an opportunity to minimize new challenges to national security and provide a mechanism of meeting strategic objectives through determination of the Concept provisions, identification of the problem areas of the implementation mechanism of the Concept; monitoring of the Concept provisions performance and assessment of their impact on the state of social security in Ukraine. The process of the Concept provisions implementation will be boosted by institutional regulation, resource and legal support, and a thoroughly developed managerial mechanism.

Keywords: the Concept of Social Security; Socioeconomic Security Sphere; Government Regulation; Socioeconomic Security Insurance Mechanisms

JEL Classіfіcatіon: P29; P36; H75


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Received 18.06.2015