Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 24-27

Citation information:
Adukov, R., & Adukova, A. (2015). New model of executive governmental structure as a human capital development factor. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 24-27.

Rukhman Adukov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Deputy Director for Research,
All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Management, Labor and Administration
15 Orenburgskaya Str., office 306, Moscow, 111621, Russia

Alevtina Adukova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Senior Researcher,
All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Management, Labor and Administration
15 Orenburgskaya Str., office 407, Moscow, 111621, Russia

New model of executive governmental structure as a  human capital development factor

Abstract. This paper highlights that an underlying cause of the downturn in the Russian economy is inadequate acknowledgement of human factor. It provides relevant supporting evidence: the lack of sound local self-government institution, the lack of conducive environment for business development, etc.

It is argued that in order to maintain social stability in the current context an evolutionary approach is preferred to enhance the role and development of human capital. To address this challenge a model of a person-centered structure of executive government has been suggested. It envisages integration of the majority of executive government functions within five specific blocks: economic development, social development, tax (revenue) base development, person development and person protection. In the existing structure many similar functions are allocated to different blocks that impair administration performance.

The paper outlines benefits of the recommended model. It has been stated that it is feasible for all administrative levels, and its implementation involves no risks and basically no costs. In opinions of experts, this model deserves high appreciation and eventually it may become a core pattern in Russia.

Keywords: Human Factor; Human Capital; Government Administration; Local Self-government; Territorial Development

JEL Сlassіfіcatіon: А13; Н11, J24; R58


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Received 22.06.2015